Twenty years after German reunification, Berlin is Germany's political capital, a cultural metropolis, an attractive business location and one of Europe's leading centers for science and research. Life sciences and health care industries have been one of the main focuses of the innovation policy in Berlin-Brandenburg for more than 10 years now.
Today the German Capital Region is among the leading biotech locations in Europe. Oliver Rakau, analyst at Deutsche Bank Research and author of the study "Deutschlands Biotechnologieregionen. Konzentration setzt sich fort" (Germany's Biotechnology Regions. Concentration Continues) states: "Berlin-Brandenburg benefits strongly from having the largest number of research facilities by far. They provide considerable advantages for technology transfer and staff recruitment. The region therefore has excellent preconditions for sustained growth."
To read the full, original article click on this link: Commentary: Hub of Knowledge: The Berlin-Brandenburg region has become a leading biotech cluster since reunification.