What are the secrets behind Steve Jobs’ success? I’ll bet you want to know.
Author and communications coach Carmine Gallo thinks he knows, and at the LeWeb conference in Paris, he provided some insight into them. In fact, he’s written a book entitled “Innovate the Steve Jobs way: 7 insanely different principles for breakthrough success”.
Here are Gallo’s 7 secrets:
1. Do what you love
For Jobs “being the richest man in the cemetery” didn’t matter, what mattered was “going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful”. Without passion your business won’t work, passion is everything. You cannot inspire people unless you are inspired. Apple’s core value is that it believes people with passion can change the world for the better. Jobs was passionate about creating tools that helped people. Think about what you are selling and why.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 Innovation secrets from Steve Jobs [LeWeb] | memeburn