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Founded by Rich Bendis


There aren’t many entrepreneurs in public media, but Jake Shapiro is one to watch.

His Cambrigdge-based non-profit, PRX, announced its Public Media Accelerator this week, a project which will provide funding and expertise to teams with innovative ideas for increasing the impact of public service media. The program is supported by a $2.5 million grants from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Modeled on startup incubators from TechStars to Y Combi to RockHealth, the idea is to stimulate innovation and disruption in a space known for a remarkable lack of it.  The project will invest in both nonprofit and for-profit ventures building apps, services and media products.

To read the full, original article click on this link: New Startup Accelerator Coming to Cambridge with $2.5 Million in Funding From Knight Foundation | BostInno