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For those planning to live beyond 2011, a real list of top medical cities. Every list of the best healthcare cities in the country reads like my grandfather’s history teacher wrote them. These reports measure the life sciences and healthcare industries the way that they were. What really matters is which medical city will be elite beyond today. So for those who live and thrive by what happens in pharma, hospitals, medical device, health IT and all other things medical, here’s a good list of the top 10 medical cities that matter today (and in the future).

Minnesota device maker Synovis to be acquired by Baxter International. Minnesota’s Synovis Life Technologies Inc. is being acquired by Baxter International Inc. in a $325 million deal, the companies announced today. Synovis’ board unanimously approved the buy at $28 per share. Pending shareholder approval, the deal is expected to close in the first quarter of 2012.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Current and future medical cities in the U.S. (Weekend Rounds)