Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Are you thinking about a future in business and envisaging an MBA as a vehicle to get you there? Think again. The MBA as most commonly taught today is outdated, and does not provide its students with the skills and mindset that is required to succeed in business today, let alone tomorrow.

In fact, Henry Mintzberg first pointed this out about 25 years ago, but none of the players – business schools, industry, students – were willing to listen as all were comfortable with existing arrangements. Perhaps it was also that no one could quite see what was wrong with the fact that traditional MBA programmes produce “managers who are excessively analytical and detached”. After all, we are all rational beings, making rational decisions which are then communicated down the line of command. So where is the problem?

To read the full, original article click on this link: Traditional MBA skill set is no longer enough -