Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Thinking of giving your friend a call? Your smartphone will already have instantaneously placed the call in the world of tomorrow — it unlocked itself from secure mode as soon as it heard your name or recognized your face in its camera. That's the vision based on two of five technological breakthroughs which could revolutionize the world within the next five years, according to IBM.

The other three breakthroughs may sound both strangely familiar and also wildly ambitious. Emerging technologies can transform any movement or vibration into energy to keep devices such as smartphones charged. Junk mail could vanish once email programs learn to screen messages based on seeing what you do or don't read or delete. The spread of mobile devices in places such as Africa could even lead to the end of the digital divide that keeps many people from having basic access to knowledge.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Big Future Breakthroughs in Innovation | Next Five in Five Innovations | Technology Breakthroughs |