If your kids or you (I don’t judge) haven’t sent your letters to Santa Claus by now then it’s a little late (Christmas is only a few days away), I am afraid. Or is it? It seems the man in red really wants to be reached this year, so he has made it possible for good boys and girls who were too busy, say…chasing deadlines, to send in their requests.
It would be silly for the age of social media to truly say it had become fully immersive if Santa wasn’t on Twitter or a dedicated Facebook page. It is my duty, therefore, to help you send your wish list to the “old St. Nick”. I think the elves have just enough time to craft you an iPad 2 or Galaxy SII, it’s the little things.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 places to find Santa Claus online this Christmas | memeburn