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In many ways, 2011 was the year when previously overhyped technologies suddenly became mainstream (you may not have noticed because you were too busy checking BBM). Gadgets that had been at the top of everyone’s “Trends” lists for the past two or three years finally started making it onto people’s Christmas lists, too. The social changes promised by the rise of “SoLoMo” (social-local-mobile) became felt when they supported enormous social upheaval during the Arab Spring. Here are 5 of the many ways in which technology changed the world in 2011.

1. The smartphone became mainstream

Remember it seemed like the world was ending when the BlackBerry network went down a few months ago? That’s because BlackBerrys are the new Nokias — everyone has them. Around 30% of the world now owns a smartphone. Smartphones are no longer just for geeks and businessmen — they’ve become indispensable digital companions for anyone who can afford them (and that barrier is being lowered all the time).

To read the full, original article click on this link: 5 Big ways the tech world changed in 2011 | memeburn