Dropping your expensive smartphone in the toilet is one of the leading causes of death for such devices. Fortunately, you can resuscitate your drowned electronics using a simple product from Bheestie.
The Bheestie Bag (pictured) can dry out small electronic devices after you drop them into water or spill something on them. It’s a low-tech but innovative way to solve a modern curse: cool electronics that aren’t waterproof.
To rescue a device, make sure you remove the battery and then drop it into the Bheestie Bag. Zip it and seal it. (Don’t open the plastic bag of beads that comes with it). You can keep it in the bag for a day, but longer will work better to ensure the device dries out. If it’s a flip device, make sure it’s open all the way.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Dropped your phone in the toilet? Use Bheestie to fix it | VentureBeat