Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Dar Caldwell, left, and Todd Goldstein, founders of Shaker LaunchHouse, say they hope to nurture a start-up culture to help Cleveland keep its innovative young professionals.

The lecture title no doubt helped draw the throng to Shaker LaunchHouse on a cold and rainy November night. "Launching a Billion Dollar Company: The Story of OfficeMax."

More striking than the size of the crowd was its youthfulness. Young professionals, college students and even some high schoolers filled more than 300 folding chairs arrayed across what was once the service garage of a car dealership.

They came to hear local businessman Bob Hurwitz describe how he built from scratch a chain of office superstores. First, Todd Goldstein, the 29-year-old co-founder of LaunchHouse, reminded everyone why that mattered.

To read the full, original article click on this link: LaunchHouse duo aims to foster a new generation of job creators |