These past two years I've been part of AOL Ventures, a group that has tried to think long and hard about re-envisioning the corporate venture capital model and how corporations should interact with startups.
Who knows if we have the right recipe (talk to our entrepreneurs) but I've had the benefit of synthesizing a ton of information from some of the best minds in the space and developed a pretty distinct viewpoint. The interest in corporate venture activity is at fever pitch, and with more and more corporations looking for perspective, I thought it might be thoughtful to put pen to paper.
What follows is how corporations might want to think about CVC, largely based upon our successes and failures. I'd note in advance that none of this is terribly novel, it focuses on Internet/media investors and there obviously is a lot more here that isn't written.
To read the full, original article click on this link: How to manage corporate venture capital - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet