One of the most difficult and frustrating problems organizations face is identifying the customer. The problem isn’t the classic identification of the customer as the buyer rather it is knowing and understanding the internal customer. The internal customer is the person(s) who use your process, your technology or have to live with your decisions. The end customer cannot be fully engaged, served and fulfilled until the internal customer is engaged, served, fulfilled and enabled.
Enabling employees is difficult to accomplish when management manages with 20th Century philosophies which weren’t inclined to trust employee capabilities or intents. Enablement means any approach which provides means or opportunity to solve problems that directly effect an individuals ability to engage, serve and fulfill an organizational purpose. In other words let the people solve the problems rather than allowing management to think they know enough about the processes employees use to decide what solutions would actual improve said processes.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Do You Know Who The Customer Is? | Relationship Economy