Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo's pledge of a $1 billion job-creation fund for Buffalo raises a simple question: Big or small?

One school of thought is to use the fund to attract one or two "game-changer" corporations. Another idea is to spend the money -- grants, tax breaks and other forms of incentives -- on "clusters" of one or more specific industries that would spawn additional growth.

Overlooked in some of the early discussions, though, is the concept of "economic gardening." That involves investing the money in companies already on the ground and growing -- sometimes off anyone's radar screen -- to expand at home instead of beyond New York's borders.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Going for 'big one' here is a billion-dollar gamble - Albany - The Buffalo News