Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


The inaugural Trinity Economic Forum (TEF) will take place on 3rd-4th February 2012, bringing together over 150 students from the major academic institutions on the island of Ireland. The concept for the Forum was developed by a group of under- graduate economics students who were frustrated by the backward-looking nature of Irish economic discourse. The economic crisis has irrevocably changed Ireland’s economic path, but much of the discussion still takes the Celtic Tiger mindset as a starting point. The delegates and speakers attending TEF will be encouraged to take a positive, future-focused approach to the topics discussed in the addresses, panels and workshops.

The Forum is supported by Trinity College’s Provost and Economics Department, and is sponsored by PwC. It will take place over two days in Trinity’s Science Gallery and the new Long Room Hub building - where delegates and speakers will discuss topics from the Future of News (Mark Little, 10:20 Saturday) to the Future of Innovation (Dr Piero Formica, 20:25 Friday).

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