Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

Venture Capitalist

The current presidential primaries have taken an unfortunate turn as the term “vulture capitalism” has found its way into the political lexicon. We can expect to hear more of this colloquialism this fall during the general election. Misinformed or misguided candidates have managed to vilify an institution that could well be one of the best solutions to reignite our ailing economy — venture capitalism.

After being a part of seven successful companies that were started with venture capital funds, we have witnessed the creation of thousands of jobs. Many of those involved in the formation and growth of these companies have gone on to start still other companies with venture capital funds and created thousands more jobs themselves. The branches from the “parent” tree go on and on.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Venture capital plays vital role in growth of economy | The Tennessean |