As you sat watching the fireworks explode in the night air, bringing yet another year to an end, you may have quietly committed to a resolution that this was finally going to be the year that you take the plunge and start your own business. Naturally, you’re a bit of a geek, so it will most likely be in the tech sphere.
The idea has been brewing in the back of your mind for years and, for some unknown reason, the time finally seems right to take those unguided steps and break away from the security of your 9-5 job. Just knowing you are about to follow your passion makes you feel energised and reinvigorated, spurring you to hand in your notice to your boss with the hope that one day you will be driving past him in your new Ferrari and wave.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 7 Things you should know before forming a startup | memeburn