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The US is still the country with the highest population of Twitter users and Brazil overtook Japan to climb into second place. The most active country on the social network, however, is still the Netherlands. That’s according to a new study from French-based research firm Semiocast.

The results of the study also put a number of emerging market countries in the top ten when it comes to user numbers. Some of them, however, lag when it comes to engagement on the social network.

Some 107-million Twitter accounts are based in the US, meaning that it represents 28.1% of all Twitter users. It also puts it some distance ahead of the 30-million plus accounts of second placed Brazil.

Other emerging market countries with a place in the top 10 countries include Indonesia, India, Mexico and the Philippines.

To read the full, original article click on this link: US still top Twitter country, Brazil climbs to second [Study] | memeburn