The echo-chamber has flooded the web with all the details following the filing of Facebook’s IPO. It will raise $5 billion in the listing. It will be valued somewhere between US$75-billion and US$100-billion. We even know that the graffiti artist who took stock instead of cash for painting the walls at Facebook’s first HQ is now worth US$200 million. But what’s behind the numbers and how do they compare?
1. We’re all going mobile
Out of 825-million monthly users on Facebook, more than half — 425-million active users — access the site via mobile. These are people who use the site via a mobile app (its app is the most downloaded on the iTunes App Store) or via a mobile-optimised version of the website. Mobile users grew by 21% over the last four months. As many point out, the company doesn’t currently serve any advertising on its mobile site or apps.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Facts that emerged from Facebook’s massive IPO | memeburn