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Where is this? The question is simple enough, and in a non-metropolitan environment, the answer may be correspondingly unambiguous. But in large cities, where the flow of human traffic is fast and vast, place names are fluid. They change over time, and expand or contract according to the ebb and flow of populations, professions and reputations.

Few Italians remain in the Lower Manhattan neighbourhood once known as Little Italy (1), for example. Most of the area - and the toponym - has been swallowed up by an expanding Chinatown. Part of the late Little Italy has been renamed Nolita (“North of Little Italy”). The new name was a conscious re-branding of the area to lure in yuppies, who migrate in packs, but only feel safe in neighbourhoods with portmanteau names (2)

To read the full, original article click on this link: 551 - Desperately Seeking Dalston: A Field Study | Strange Maps | Big Think