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If your students don't seem relaxed from their between-semester breaks, they may have been working in a new internship period. But in four weeks or so, did they gain much of value?

Students are increasingly using their winter breaks to squeeze in yet another notch on their résumés. Dubbed “winternships” by some, these opportunities are diverse in nature. They can vary in length anywhere from two to six weeks, and while those familiar with the trend say the jobs tend to be project-based – for example, a student spending the break helping to develop a small company’s social media strategy – their content and quality can vary just as much as those of the more traditional summer or academic term setup.

The expansion of winter internships is bound to raise questions of fairness that reached new heights as employers upped their use of unpaid internships over the last couple of years.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Growth of short-term internships over academic breaks | Inside Higher Ed