Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Every investor is looking for the “dream team” of executives to put his money on. Often I find that experienced investors flip to the management page of a business plan, even before they read the product description. That’s how important the people are. What are investors looking for in the CEO and the rest of the top executives?

  • Been there, done that, and won. This may not seem fair to all you first-time entrepreneurs, but wouldn’t you choose to bet on a horse that has been in races before, and won, rather than an unknown in his first race? The size of the race is also important. Fortune 1000 CEOs usually don’t make good startup CEOs, and vice versa.
  • Experience and expertise in this business area. You may have great credentials as a public servant in your home town, but that won’t get you money to build a social network on the Internet, or start a software company. You can learn a lot about a new technology from Wikipedia and scouring the Internet, but probably not enough to qualify you as CEO of a new company in that area.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Startup Professionals Musings: This Startup Dream Team Will Assure Fundability