From the world’s cheapest car to the world’s cheapest tablet, India has emerged as a hub of “Jugaad”, a Hindi term which closely translates as “frugal innovation”. Owing to its booming economy, growing middle class and a talent pool of highly skilled engineers, India has a thriving tech startup ecosystem. While there are thousands of startups across the country, we bring you a compilation of tech startups that have risen above the rest to be the talking points in the startup-technology community.
Based on my conversations and interactions with entrepreneurs, investors and other stakeholders, these startups are shaping the way their respective industries work. In no particular order, let’s look at startups and their offerings:
1. MobStac: “Built for a World Where Mobile is First”
MobStac makes it simple for publishers to reach their audience over mobile browsers across a wide-range of devices. MobStac’s mission is to make it possible for people to consume the internet on any mobile device on the planet by accelerating the availability of mobile Internet content and delivering it to the widest possible audience.
To read the full, original article click on this link: 10 Hot Indian startups you should know about | memeburn