Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Recently, a 12-year-old Irish boy named Harry Moran wrote a mobile app called PizzaBot. It hit the Mac App Store and within a week, it had surpassed Angry Birds, attracting fans from around the world.

Harry was an instant YouTube celebrity, and during a Public Radio International interview, he revealed was already hatching ideas for new games.

Welcome to the lighter side of the App Economy, in which software applications have the potential to be downloaded by millions in the blink of an eye and far greater opportunities are on the horizon.

There’s a perfect storm brewing thanks to globalization, a tough financial climate, and incredible technology disruption. To compete and win, today’s businesses simply have to be better engaged with their customer, partner, supplier, and employee communities.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to speak the language of the app economy | VentureBeat