Our friends at Babson College have asked us to help out on their new campaign, “Redefine Entrepreneurship”.
It’s a simple enough idea: If they can own a new idea of what entrepreneurship is, or at least, be a prime mover in the conversation, then people will go to them to get a piece of the action. Good for the students and faculty, good for the brand and good for the stakeholders. Exactly.
Of course, the meaning of the word has been redefined over and over many times already, from in its origins in the Industrial Revolution of yesterday, to Silicon Valley today, to India and China and Africa tomorrow. Language is organic and fluid, after all, and to hope to come up with the all-encompassing, definitive wording for it, isn’t going to happen in our lifetime. The word already has a million definitions, anyway.
To read the full, original article click on this link: “Redefine Entrepreneurship”: It’s the “Who”, not the “What” that matters. cc: @Babson | gapingvoid