ABOUT seven months ago I was name-jacked. Enlarge This Image
Laurie Rosenwald I hadn’t looked at my Web site in a while, but I figured that, with a novel coming out, I should bring it up to date. So I Googled deliaephron.com (I never had gotten around to bookmarking it) and it wasn’t there. Instead there was a message: This domain is for sale.
I called the person in charge of my Web site, who happens to be a family member, and found out that he had neglected to renew the domain for reasons having to do with changing his e-mail and credit card. “Don’t worry,” he said. “We have a day left to get it back.” But we did not. When we tried to buy it, someone else already had.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Reclaiming My Web Address - NYTimes.com