Woohoo! The Business Model Innovation Factory is off to the printer and will be published on April 24th. You can learn more about the book and even download the intro for free at www.bmifbook.com. I am so glad that the writing part is done and the fun part of putting the ideas out in traffic, improving on them through active conversation and applying them in the real world can soon begin. I can’t wait. The writing part took the better part of a year and gave me newfound respect for those who have authored several books and make a living by writing them. Not me. One and done. I did it because writing a book was on my bucket list and I wanted to share my point of view that R&D for new business models is the new strategic imperative for all leaders. I never actually thought I would do it and probably still wouldn’t have if Richard Narramore, Senior Editor at John Wiley & Sons, hadn’t called and asked me to. Of course Richard offering an advance and a contract complete with publication dates didn’t hurt. I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I agreed.
To read the full, original article click on this link: The Business Model Innovation Factory « It’s Saul Connected