What determines innovation success? In recent years, we learned that it is not necessarily the underlying technology or the innovation’s value proposition. More and more, we came to realize that the innovation ecosystem, the interdependent partner network needed to generate, develop and deliver a technology-based or business-model innovation can be the ultimate defining factor. With the source of differentiation shifting from the innovative technology core to the partner network, business leaders must now understand how to build and play their innovation ecosystem.
Examples abound. The iPhone’s success has probably more to do with its ecosystem of content producers and consumers than to its hardware, looks or appealing browsing features. Illustrating the interdependency aspect of ecosystems, application developers also are better off choosing this particular ecosystem as opposed to another one because of the guaranteed customer potential it offers. Also, as an example of how a car-applicable modular technological innovation could become a new market disruption, the electrical car will remain a green niche solution or we will keep on driving hybrid cars until we have a reliable, omnipresent electricity-providing ‘fuel’ station network
To read the full, original article click on this link: Building and leveraging your ecosystem to spark innovation-based growth - Ivey Business Journal