Summary: The world's youngest CEO to have a company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange has launched online news site where he aims to provide news and tips on entrepreneurship, business strategy and financial related matters and more.
From making his first million at sixteen to being the youngest person ever to be listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, James Timothy White ( ) is one of the world's youngest successful entrepreneurs, businessmen and consultants. He has started several profitable businesses in various fields including lawn care, snow removal, construction, real estate development, advertising and marketing, business coaching, motivational speaking, investment banking, venture capital and more. In fact, he made his first million at the age of 16 with the landscaping company he sold in 2005 and at 25; he also became the world's youngest CEO to have a company listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Canadian Entrepreneurial Guru James Timothy White Launches Entrepreneur News Site - MarketWatch