Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


A startup accelerator is an opportunity to dramatically increase your network, gain expert advice and mentorship, grow your team, meet with investors and much more. Just applying to an accelerator can improve your startup by challenging you to rethink and articulate your goals – some accelerators even provide expert feedback to entrants who aren’t accepted.

Here are some quick tips to consider when applying to an accelerator:

Boil down your pitch to your startup’s core. An accelerator application and pitch is excellent preparation for development. If you ever want to hire team members or raise any funding, you’ll need a pitch that is concise and simple – think tweetable. Don’t muddy the waters with speculation and projections. Stick to the core problem and your proposed solution.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 4 Tips for Applying to (and Winning) a Startup Accelerator | BostInno