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Is Silicon Valley still the one tech hub to rule them all? And will it remain so in the future?

Techcrunch just posted some intruiging new research from the Startup Genome project on the world’s top tech hubs and their defining characteristics. A post of this kind is bound to lead to an argument over whose tech hub is best, but let’s start with the statistics.

In terms of total number of startups, capital raised and startup success rate (defined as companies at the “scale” stage) Silicon Valley still rules. Silicon Valley has 3 times as many startups as New York, 4.5 times as many as London  and 12.5-times the number in Berlin. The average startup in the Valley also raised 2-3 times as much capital  as its global equivalents in the early stage of its development and had the most helpful mentors.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Tech Hub Envy, or why you should stop trying to be Silicon Valley | VentureBeat