Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Australia is a highly successful and prosperous nation. However, it has ridden its luck, especially when it comes to the natural resources it has previously relied on. in the twenty-first century, being lucky is just not enough; we have to work on nurturing our talent and inventiveness – which, in short, is our creativity.

Creativity: An Endangered Species?

Futurists ryan Matthews and Watts Wacker recently stated: “Creativity has become the most universally endangered species of the twenty-first century. never has the need for creativity been so compelling and never has genuine creativity been in such short supply. We have a broadband culture but not the content to fill it.” Even though we may pride ourselves on our innovation and creativity, we need to have a closer look at how we really measure up:

• The GE Global Innovation Barometer has ranked Australia’s status as an innovation leader 16th out of 30 countries. Only two per cent of 2800 senior executives surveyed worldwide mentioned Australia as an innovation champion...

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