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Given that Japan has some of the biggest tech companies on the planet, it’s easy to overlook its startup scene. It’s also probably fair to say that the country’s emerging tech companies also don’t get nearly as much press those from Silicon Valley, or even China and Russia.

Thing is, once you take a step back from the massive corporates, there are some very exciting things happening in Japan. At a recent tech event I had the privilege of finding out about a handful of them.

1. Beatrobo

CEO/Founder: Hiroshi Asaeda

A music community service which enables users to share their favorite music with their friends. Users can create their own avatars and start listening to their friends’ favourite music easily. Hiroshi Asaeda is a convincing CEO, his English was excellent but he doesn’t seem to clear on his business idea, and what is original about sharing music. Beatrobo is aimed at US markets and is unavailable in Japan but the development team is in Japan.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 6 Japanese startups worth keeping an eye on | memeburn