Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Whether you are trying to create a new product, solve problems more effectively, become the most successful company in your industry, or find creative ways to meet your customers' needs, innovation is likely one of your most critical objectives at work. But a factor often overlooked may get in the way of your expressing and implementing your excellent ideas: You are an introvert.

About 50% of U.S. residents are introverts, according to a study by psychologists Stephan Dilchert and Deniz Ones. What are the signs that you are one of them? Introverts have a tendency to be drained by social encounters and energized by solitary activities. They are generally inward looking and less concerned with the outside world. They enjoy reflecting on their own thoughts and feelings, and they often prefer to avoid social situations.

When it comes to generating innovative ideas, introverts and extroverts may be on par. Yet introverts' inward-looking nature can hold them back from having their creative ideas accepted since they may be disinclined to share them with others.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How Introverts Can Become Better Innovators - Francesca Gino - HBS Faculty - Harvard Business Review