Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


In an era of crowdsourcing has launched an ‘open innovation project’, the Business Innovation Challenge, to help small and medium-sized businesses discover practical ways to innovate.

The idea behind the project is simple: Companies are asked to share practical things they have done that have improved the way they do business. Their stories will then be shared openly to help others explore and visualize ways they can improve their own companies.

“Many smaller businesses are reluctant to implement new ideas and innovations into their companies, because they have difficulty understanding how the pieces fit together and don’t have examples to follow,” says Julie King, co-founder and managing editor of “As a magazine we are limited to sharing a few ideas at a time. By creating this open innovation project, we are expanding the opportunities to develop a more robust knowledge-base.”

To read the full, original article click on this link: Business Innovation Challenge Invites Companies to Share their Stories