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Founded by Rich Bendis


The XXIII ISPIM Conference – Action for Innovation: Innovating from Experience – takes place in Barcelona, Spain on 17-20 June 2012. Organised by ISPIM, and hosted by La Salle University in partnership with Orbita97, this conference will bring together around 450 innovation experts from 55 countries.

The three-day programme will include: Industry-Leading Keynote Speakers; Luminary Speakers; Innovation Thought Leaders; "Hot Topic" Roundtable Discussions; Facilitated Themed Sessions with around 230 Academic and Practitioner Presentations; Workshops; Special Interest Groups; Academic Research Development Sessions.

As with all ISPIM events, delegates will experience a taste of local culture at magnificent dinner venues so there will be plenty of time for networking.

To read the full, original article click on this link: The XXIII ISPIM Conference: 17-20 June 2012