In most businesses, the prevailing assumption is that teams are the best way for leadership groups to go when solving a problem. Whenever possible, form a team. That's what most people believed a decade ago, when Doug Smith and I wrote our book The Wisdom of Teams and a related article in HBR.
But today, with the ever-increasing necessity of working across organizational and geographical boundaries, and the growing complexity of daily business, more leaders at all levels are finding that it's not always practical — or even best — to put together a team. Fortunately, we now have more options; in particular, consider the potential of focused networks, and sub-groups that can work more effectively in different modes than "real team." For example, even when I was engaged in my earlier writing on teams, I didn't really recognize that what looked like a team was in some cases actually a set of networks and sub-units.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Look Beyond the Team: It's About the Network - Jon R. Katzenbach - Harvard Business Review
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