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Founded by Rich Bendis


For years, U.S. Internet speeds have lagged far behind many developed nations. But this isn’t deterring Americans from logging online.

Cisco’s Visual Networking Index shows the U.S. accounted for a sizeable chunk of global Internet traffic -- about 31 percent in 2010.

The U.S. Telecom Association crunched a few sets of numbers (shown below) and found the country also ranks near the top in terms of data usage per user. The nation’s estimated 245 million Internet users consumed a monthly average of 25.7 gigabytes per user, according to the trade association. Only South Korea, which boasts the world's fastest speeds in many studies, transfers more data, with a monthly average of 49.1 gigabytes.

To read the full, original article click on this link: U.S. Ranks High on Internet Usage, Despite Slow Speeds