Incubators are like belly buttons: Everybody’s got one.
Or so it seems from where we sit in San Francisco, where if one throws a rock in certain neighborhoods, one is sure to hit an incubator or accelerator or at least a hackathon.
As a result, we tend not to get too worked up about incubators anymore, but every so often, we come across one with sterling provenance or a particularly unique premise.
nReduce is both of those. The program comes from the gigantic brain of Ruby on Rails demigod Jacques Crocker, and he started off by throwing a hand grenade at the hornet’s nest that is Y Combinator. Crocker originally named his program “N Combinator” and claimed it would be nothing more or less than an open-source Y Combinator.
To read the full, original article click on this link: A cure for your incubator fatigue: Meet nReduce, the open-source Y Combinator | VentureBeat