Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

SIR PETER GLUCKMAN: Chief scientific adviser to Prime Minister John Key.

Sir Peter Gluckman, chief science adviser to the Prime Minister, argues that by 2022 New Zealand must be continuing to build a small advanced economy that bases its development on science-

based innovation.

We can generally agree on the New Zealand we want - a high standard 

of living for all, greater societal cohesion, and achievement of necessary 

economic growth without significant harm to our environment.

But in

 achieving these goals there must inevitably be trade-offs.


40% more people on the planet, many demanding far better standards 

of living, will inevitably involve more energy consumption, more 

food production and more resource use.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Our Future: Peter Gluckman, Build a smart innovation-based... |