Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis

INewImagef you are the inventor of a great product or service, ideally you would want the invention to sell itself. Sadly in most cases, that is not how things work out. In an increasingly noisy consumer-driven world, the more innovative the invention is, the more it has to be promoted in order to grab the attention of people who can use or benefit from it.

Article Contributed by Dr. Soloman Nabatiyan Co-Founder & COO of Techmoola

In this situation, approaching a bank or funding organization such as venture capitalists can be tedious and unfruitful. Even if one does manage to get a loan which is less and less likely these days, you will end up worrying about the collateral holding and the rate of interest among many other factors. Paying back the loan on set terms is another hassle altogether.

To read the full, original article click on this link: 4 Reasons Inventors Should Beg for Money - Daily Crowdsource