Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


It's no secret that many successful companies struggle to grow beyond their core offering. This isn't because organizations can't identify new opportunities or develop new and novel concepts; many can and do. Companies often have problems launching these concepts. Internal politics, risk avoidance, and the fear of failure weigh heavily on these growth initiatives. In the end, the company often fails the ideas long before the ideas can fail the company.

So how might businesses that found success in one area find new outlets for future growth? I believe that the start-ups of today and the skunkworks of the 1970s suggest ways larger organizations can pursue growth. Both of these structures create really important learning labs that help bring ideas to market.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Start-ups, Skunkworks, and Your Next Big Product - Colin Raney - Harvard Business Review