Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


This infographic is about the mindset of an entrepreneur, and the first actions you would need to take to become one. To do a startup, you need to think very simplistically in many ways. From what I have seen working with hundreds of startup founders, it is often those that stay “hungry and foolish,” as Steve jobs put it, that are able to find a solution to a problem people have and build a business out of it. By foolish, I mean simplistic but focused thinking. the more you complicate the problem you are solving, the more unsolvable it becomes. However simplistic this infographic is, if you just do what it says, you will get what you put in.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Funders and Founders » We Connect Start-Ups With Capital » Becoming an Entrepreneur [infographic]