To help you keep up with the innovation ecosystem in Boston and beyond, we’ve offered lists of entrepreneurs, VC’s and others in the community to read and follow. But today I thought I’d offer something a bit different. Below are nine people and/or organizations I follow to learn more about innovation as a process. I’m fascinated by the economics of how innovation actually happens, and while you can learn a lot about that from watching startups themselves, there’s a ton to be learned by following scholars, think tanks, and writers who focus on these questions specifically. My hope in writing this isn’t just to share my sources, but to get your feedback. It’s my job to keep up with this stuff, so if you have suggestions for who else I ought to be following, let me know!
To read the full, original article click on this link: 9 Innovation Experts To Follow Who Aren’t VC’s or Entrepreneurs | BostInno