Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


There are times in a startup when there is just too much of investor interest. Typically this happens when you get some mega coverage (in blogs/press) or announce key partnership/customers. For instance, startups that launched at UnPluggd have been sharing the VC interest they received post the demo.

Is that good? bad? Well, if you are looking for funding – there isn’t a better time when you have too many suitors. So how does one handle a situation like this?

Here are some tips/suggestions :

1. Control that excitement.

Do not get overly excited if you are getting calls from VC firm. Stop forwarding those emails/updating FB status that they ‘got a mail from afund’ – a lot of first-time entrepreneurs go thru’ this and while this is quite natural, do understand that it’s the firm’s job to reach out to the upcoming/hottest startups. And like I said, if you have been in news for some reasons, you will be in huge demand.

To read the full, original article click on this link: How to handle too much of VC Interest?