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A couple of years ago, I was facilitating an idea generation session with an internal client recently demoted into a marketing management job. We were providing strategic help to develop the marketing plan for his new product line. His unwillingness to productively participate, a refusal to consider anyone else’s ideas, and his negative management style during the idea generation session made it clear there was no assistance he would accept.

“I’m a strategy guy, and I’m here to help you.”

Photo by: steffne | Source: The thing is, if it’s within my abilities, I love providing strategic help to someone to do things better and more successfully. As a result, we spent all morning trying one strategic thinking exercise after another to generate new ideas for his product line. It was clear though we were not making progress in providing strategic help to him.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Assistance Unwanted - 5 Management Style Signs Helping Is Futile | The Brainzooming Group | Strategy Consulting and Strategic Planning