Innovation America Innovation America Accelerating the growth of the GLOBAL entrepreneurial innovation economy
Founded by Rich Bendis


Young entrepreneurs may get more attention, but  founder Joyce Schwarz says that boomers are starting more businesses than any age group,  The Kaufman Foundation reports that Baby boomers age 45-66 are starting 1000 businesses every month.

World's First Accelerator for Seasoned Execs

That's why Schwarz who is also known as a bestselling author of SUCCESSFUL RECAREERING When Just Another Job Is Not Enough published by Career Press and featured in The Wall Street Journal, on PBS, NPR, NBC News knows it's the right time for the world's first business accelerator where one founder is over age 50 and we all cash in on $11 Trillion in retirement funds.  Schwarz reports that industry pundits are terming Startup50plus a Ycombinator (referring to the successful Gen Y accelerator in Silicon Valley) for Seasoned execs.

To read the full, original article click on this link: Previews As World's First Business Accelerator Where One Founder is Age 50 Plus | PRLog