Jeff De Cagna’s new e-book, Associations Unorthodox: Six Really Radical Shifts Toward the Future, will be available as a free download beginning this Wednesday, August 8. The e-book was produced in collaboration with DC-based branding firm, CHIEF. Jeff De Cagna serves as a senior advisor to CHIEF.
Scott Johnson, co-founder of CHIEF, said ”For 35 years, I have watched associations do the same thing over and over again and expect different results. That is why it has been such a great privilege to collaborate on this amazing e-book with our friend and partner Jeff De Cagna. Jeff has long been the nagging voice in the wilderness, committing the heresy of suggesting associations may want to try something radically different. If Jeff’s new e-book isn’t enough of a wake up call, stay tuned. There’s more radical thinking to come!”
To read the full, original article click on this link: Associations Unorthodox e-book available on August 8