Another fantastic time-wasting Olympic-themed doodle? Aww Google, you shouldn’t have. After the search giant made up for all those static Olympic doodles by launching a hurdles game yesterday, we thought it would be back to the standard, non-interactive Olympic doodles this morning. But today, Google’s logo is nestled in the stands at a basketball court, and you can take aim and shoot a stack of balls through the hoop.
Tap the spacebar once to build up momentum, and twice to release. But don’t hold on too long — if the ball goes red, it’ll end up soaring over the hoop. The player moves backwards as the game progresses, so you’ll have to gradually use more effort to make sure the ball doesn’t end up bouncing away harmlessly on the court.
To read the full, original article click on this link: Procrastinate with today’s basketball-themed Olympic Google doodle | memeburn