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Frank Partnoy describes himself as an inveterate procrastinator--and the banker/lawyer/author is not convinced that’s a bad thing. His book Wait: The Art and Science of Delay is an investigation into his own habits of prolonged decision-making and the shortsightedness that pervaded crisis-era finance. Fast Company talked with Partnoy about when to make decisions, how to manage time, and why better-paid people are less happy.

This interview has been condensed and edited.

FAST COMPANY: The question you’re asking in the book, “When do I make a decision?" is one of the most broad. How do you even begin to answer it?

FRANK PARTNOY: It’s going to be an imperfect answer. What I have arrived at is a two step inquiry about when, which is question one: what time-world are you living in, how much time is available, what’s the maximum amount of time that you have for a particular action or decision?

To read the full, original article click on this link: Lessons In Productive Procrastination | Fast Company