The 20th annual SXSW Interactive Festival is now open for business as the Festival begins accepting registrations for the 2013 event. Today also marks the start of the application process for SXSW Accelerator and the SXSW Interactive Awards.
Last year the Festival programmed compelling talks including notable speakers: Ray Kurzweil (Kurzweil Technologies), Baratunde Thurston (Jack and Jill Politics, The Onion), Amber Case (Geoloqi), Eric Ries (The Lean Startup), Ben Silbermann (Pinterest), danah boyd (Microsoft), Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger (Instagram) and Peter Diamandis (X Prize). SXSW Interactive will take place March 8-12, 2013 in Austin, Texas.
To read the full, original article click on this link: SXSW Interactive Open For Business For 2013 Season | EventsNetwork